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April 9, 2024 Update: Commerical strawberry season is now complete. Recent rains have hurt most of the fruit and there is not enough good fruit to open a u-pick field this season.
Welcome to Spivey Farms 2022 U-Pick Central. You will find all the pertinent information regarding our u-pick strawberry season.
When: - The strawberry u-pick season varies from year-to-year. The determining factor is when our commercial season is coming to an end. The season usually will begin in March. Please look at the schedule above to see which dates we are open. We will have to take days off to let fields rest and replenish.
Where: - The physical address of the farm is 6101 County Road 39 South, Plant City, FL 33567. Please look for the flag on the road that says "U-PICK STRAWBERRIES" to know where we are. You can check out our directions page for instructions on how to find the farm.
How Long for U-Picking?: - We are at the mercy of Mother Nature on this and the amount of visitors we have been seeing the last few years. Please keep checking the homepage for the latest information on dates we are open.
Pricing: - We charge $1.00 per quart (cash only please). Strawberry onions will be for sale as well and pricing will depend on the size of the onion.
Rules: - We're offering you an opportunity to come on our property, so we reserve the right to ask anybody we feel is not being neighborly in their actions to leave at any time, without question.
- Please stay in a general vicinity when picking. I know it's hard to focus with all those big, beautiful berries in the field, but in order to keep our fields open longer and in the best shape possible, we ask that you try and stay on the same row when picking.
- DO NOT step on our plastic beds or rip the plastic. Once u-pick season ends, we still have to clean up the field by removing the plastic and drip tape. It's much more difficult to accomplish this task when plastic is lying in pieces throughout our farm.
- Our fields are numbered for your convenience and we ask that you pick in the field you are assigned once you arrive. There will be fields that we are still commerically picking and only employees of the farm are allowed in those fields.
- Due to strict food safety regulations that all commercial farms must abide by, no animals (except service animals) are allowed on the premises.
What You Need: - We will provide the quart cups to pick in, but you need to bring containers to store and take your strawberries home. Very deep containers are not advised as piling strawberries too high in your container will cause the berries on the bottom to be severely bruised and may be no good.
- Considering this is a time of year in Florida when the temperature is warm, make sure to wear loose-fitting clothing. Sunscreen and hats are recommended to avoid overexposure to the heat.
- You're more than welcome to bring your own drinks and/or snacks to the farm. If you do bring your own food/drink, please make sure not to leave any garbage remaining around or in the field.
- For all the tips you need on the hows and whats of strawberry picking/freezing/etc., we highly recommend this site which covers all aspects for you.
FAQs: Q: Are the strawberries safe to eat in the field?
A: While we always recommend washing fruit before eating it, any field for u-pick has been fertilizer/pesticide free for at least a week before it is opened. The only nourishment we give a u-pick field is running some water through the drip irrigiation system to give the plants some vitality.
Q: Do you have restroom facilities?
A: There are port-a-johns available. Please ask somebody working in the arrival/departure shed for directions.
Q: Oh no! I forgot my own containers. What can I do?
A: We'll have a very limited amount of bags the general public to use. It's on a first come, first serve basis. The best advice is to please bring your own containers.
Q: Are you an organic farm?
A: We are not an organic farm and use pesticides throughout our commercial season. Any field for u-pick has been fertilizer/pesticide free for at least a week before it is opened.
Q: Is there an area to stop and have lunch?
A: There are no tables at any of the u-pick fields to sit at. If you can find a shaded area, it is accesible to use. Our packinghouse/cooler facility is off limits due to food safety regulations.